Saturday, 24 November 2012


What to upload on Sharecash


Where can I find the files for sharecash?

So here is the most
important question. What to upload on Sharecash to earn money?
First of all you are not going to upload files bigger then 50 MB. Why? 50 MB is the file limit. You can split bigger files into 2-3 or more files but I doubt that you will get downloads from all of them. Second thing, you are not allowed to upload adult stuff. You are NOT allowed to upload adult files, including pornography, pornography passwords, nudity/semi-nudity, suggestive images/videos, files with sexual filenames, or anything remotely adult-related. Copyrighted files such as movies can also not be uploaded. Doing so will result in a permanent ban.
No one wants that right?
Before we move on I need to mention that downloading your own files is against the rules, bear that in mind! Also avoid using any type of Sharecash bypasser, bots or anything like that. That will get your IP address banned and you will not be able to earn money anymore.
 So what to upload at the end?
Very Profitable but yet risky:
  •  Warez Sites
  • Copyright stuff
What is Warez?
Warez refers primarily to copyrighted works distributed without fees or royalties, and may be traded, in general violation of copyright law. The term generally refers to unauthorized releases by organized groups, as opposed to file sharing between friends or large groups of people with similar interest using a darknet. It usually does not refer to commercial software counterfeiting. This term was initially coined by members of the various computer underground circles, but has since become commonplace among Internet users and the mass media.
You can find TOP Warez sites  here: topwarz
  • Your own mods, software codes or hacks (files owned by someone else might be saturated)
  • Various kinds of tutorials (real life or other tutorials for softwares or other programs)
  • Shopping Coupons
  • Game trainers (software that adjusts codes in games to get advantage in the game)
  • Facebook game trainers, cheats, tips. There is a huge hype about these Facebook games now. It’s not risky in the sense that it’s mostly legal.
You might get some downloads and achieve some profits also from:
  • Cheats
  • MP3, soundtracks
  • Pictures
  • eBooks
  • ROM’s
Sooner or later you will find what is popular at the moment!

Register now! 

Register now and within 30 seconds you’ll be uploading files and making real cash in no time!

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